14 Ekim 2010 Perşembe

3-Day LED Lighting Institute

3-Day LED Lighting Institute

The dates for the next three-day LED Lighting Institute
at the LRC in Troy, New York, are September 21-23, 2010.
In response to suggestions from students at past institutes, we have expanded our LED Lighting Institute to provide you with more information and more time to participate in hands-on sessions using LEDs. At our recently extended three-day institute, LRC experts will help you learn more about this quickly evolving lighting technology in a small-class setting. Enrollment will be limited to 30 students.
You'll learn how to incorporate LED technologies into the design of architectural lighting fixtures, how to develop optical components that will best take advantage of the small size and compact beam spread of LEDs, and how to design lighting applications using LEDs. You'll also be able to compare LED technologies from a variety of manufacturers and learn about operating characteristics, average-rated-life, lumen output, and other important specification factors.
"Hands on sessions were very helpful. They helped me to retain the information that I learned."
LED Institute participant
At the LED lighting institute you will:
  • Learn about the latest advances in LED technology
  • Learn about strengths and weaknesses of LED products
  • Learn to design lighting installations using LEDs
  • Learn to select and specify LED lighting system components
  • Observe hands-on demonstrations of a full range of LED technologies used in a variety of applications
  • Experiment with LED lighting technology by building sample lighting fixtures
  • Learn how to match application requirements with available technologies
  • Learn about the latest LED research and testing
  • Receive an LRC Continuing Education Certificate in LED Lighting
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Course fee
If you register by August 15, 2010, the course fee is $1,900. The fee for registration after August 15, 2010 is $2,100.
To reserve your place at our three-day LED lighting institute, fill out the registration form and include a deposit of $950 (balance due by September 1, 2010). The course fee includes continental breakfasts and buffet lunches as well as all course materials and manuals. The LRC will also supply all lighting equipment.
Participants will earn 3 CEUs (continuing education units) for attending the LED Lighting Institute and will receive a Continuing Education Certificate in LED lighting technology.
We have negotiated a special rate for hotel accommodations. For information on registration, travel, or CEUs call Dan Frering at 518-687-7149, or email frerid@rpi.edu.
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) may fund partial scholarships for this course for New York State residents. If you wish to apply, please check the appropriate box on the form.
Schedule: (subject to modification)

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Morning Session: Institute begins at 8:30 a.m. each day with continental breakfast
LED Basics:
Introduction and review of course curriculum. Discussion of LED technology, components and systems, and various performance issues.
Lighting design workshop:
Important considerations in specifying and applying LEDs in architectural lighting design. LED fixture design considerations: Designing and developing lighting fixtures using LED technology.
Fixture development & application:
Hands-on session on conceptual lighting design for a target application. Design and build an LED fixture for this lighting application.
Afternoon Session:
Institute ends at 4:30 p.m. on Day 1 & Day 2, and at 3:00 p.m. on Day 3
Hands-on laboratory session:
Demonstration of various types of LED systems: measurement of light output, energy use, system efficiency, board temperature, etc.
LRC research update:
Key LRC faculty will make brief presentations on various research topics related to LEDs and their applications.
Hands-on sessions:
Application mock-up, important considerations in installation of LED systems; final project evaluation.
"Everyone involved in the growth of the LED industry and their various applications should be a part of (this program)."
LED Institute participant
About the instructors
Andrew Bierman, M.S., L.C., is a senior lighting scientist at the LRC and an adjunct assistant professor teaching in the LRC's MS in Lighting program. He holds a Master of Science in Lighting degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is an expert in photometry, energy-efficient lighting, and lighting control technologies. Professor Bierman's current research interests include the development of self-commissioning photosensor technology, load-shed ballast technology for fluorescent lighting systems, and an integrated skylight-electric lighting system.
Mariana Figueiro, Ph.D., is an assistant professor and program director at the LRC. Her research areas include energy-efficient lighting, human factors in lighting, and working to better understand and quantify light as a stimulus for the circadian system. An architect by training, Mariana received her Ph.D. in multidisciplinary science and her M.S. in lighting degrees from Rensselaer. She received the 2006 James D. Watson Award and the 2007 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator to continue her work in circadian photobiology. In addition to managing the LRC's Light and Health program, she serves as advisor and thesis committee member for graduate students and teaches Light and Health and Human Factors in Lighting.
Jean Paul Freyssinier, M.S., a lighting design specialist at the LRC, designs and evaluates lighting applications and demonstrations, conducts research projects, and develops curriculum, materials, and teaching aids for educational programs. His lighting experience includes working as principal of design in a full-service architectural lighting and automation design firm in Mexico.
Michael Jensen, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He holds a Professional Engineer's license and has served as principal investigator on more than 30 programs. Dr. Jensen has performed fundamental and applied research on a wide range of topics and is an expert on heat transfer. He has published over 110 archival technical papers, edited 10 volumes, 30 other assorted reports, and an undergraduate textbook on thermal and fluids engineering.
Terry Klein, M.S., is a lead research specialist at the LRC where he creates systems and instrumentation for research projects. He holds a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Mr. Klein has 32 years of industrial experience in the design and manufacture of display and instrumentation systems and formerly worked for National Semiconductor. He produced displays for customers such as Philips, Bang & Olufsen, Banner, HP, GE, and Pitney Bowes.
Russell Leslie, M.Arch., is the associate director of the LRC, and a practicing architect. His research areas include residential lighting, outdoor lighting, daylighting, energy, architecture, and building systems integration. He is the project architect for over one hundred architectural projects and planning studies. He served as director of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America and is on the Board of the National Council on Qualifications for the Lighting Professions.
Nadarajah Narendran, Ph.D., is an associate professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the LRC's director of research. Dr. Narendran is well known throughout the lighting industry for his pioneering research and educational activities in the field of solid-state lighting. Dr. Narendran leads a team of researchers and educators in the area of solid-state lighting at the LRC and conducts research and educational programs to accelerate the development and market transformation of this promising technology. He teaches the Physics of Light course in the LRC's graduate education program. In addition, he has developed and taught courses in optics, LEDs, and fiber optic lighting. Dr. Narendran has authored or co-authored more than 50 articles in archival journals and proceedings and holds several patents. He is a Fellow of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.
Patricia Rizzo, M.S., heads the residential lighting program at the LRC. She conducts research and oversees projects in market transformations involving energy efficiency and solid-state lighting and has taught seminars to building professionals on application techniques for residential construction. Working closely with EPA, local builders, and lighting manufacturers, she has designed, gathered data, and published results on an energy-efficient model demonstration home. She has handled projects ranging from residences and historic buildings to restaurants, industrial facilities, and automotive interiors. Formerly, Ms. Rizzo was the principal of an interior design firm in Lubbock, Texas. She has been an IESNA member since 1999.

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