14 Ekim 2010 Perşembe

1X-1 LED Folding Screen


Our IX –1 LED folding screen offers an innovative, ultra-slim, dual-sided LED display, as well as a variety of design options to match clients’ requirements. Installation and mounting of the display units are very straightforward. This LED folding screen also incorporates a folding feature for greater flexibility and versatility while still reaping the benefits of energy efficient LED illumination. It is extremely easy to manoeuvre, coupled with the leading-edge pixel draw-out technology, IX-1 is designed to create a pleasant, seasonal and event-related atmosphere for your required space.

Apart from ordinary shielding capabilities, this LED folding screen also features decorative lighting and true color display functions. Utilizing a fully customizable IX-1 LED folding screen promotes advertising from a spectator point of view, as well as saving on energy and improving the appearance of store windows and store interior. This product application can be utilized in public spaces such as halls, restaurants, open style leisure clubs, shopping malls, etc.

Statistics have indicated that colored LED lighting is becoming a hit with shoppers. Shoppers have preferred the colored LED window with a 30 percent reduction in power over typical high energy lighting designs.

Please click the images for enlarged view:

i-led Folding Screen
i-led Folding Screen
i-led Folding Screen

Pixel pitch for this LED folding screen is 40mm. More options are available.

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